Over 2500 years ago the prophet Daniel was given multiple visions about the end of days and all the history that would lead up to the return of Christ. It is profound to think that so much valuable information can be contained in just one book of the bible, yet this is indeed true for the book of Daniel. One such vision that Daniel received was a specific prophecy regarding the life and ministry of Jesus. This prophecy, called "The 70 weeks prophecy," is well known and studied in many circles.
But there are multiple views on what this prophecy means, and how you interpret this vision can lead to drastic consequences in your end times views. Because the book of Revelation builds off of what Daniel wrote, how one understands the book of Daniel is the key that unlocks all other end times prophecies and understanding.
In this episode we will take a deep dive into this 70 weeks prophecy and see just how profound it really is. Using history and scripture as our guide we will see the sovereign power of God at work throughout time, and what that means for us living in these final moments before Christ's return.
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End Times Prophetic Timeline: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vRiMza0rWIbxv3wQ8mM9w8Kdw_eRgN6TeeMj1iHZYhrEqHsS8OOFBoT9T2aSUE_Nwt9-nEzKToeSovv/pubhtml
Date of Artaxerxes Decrees https://www.5loaves2fishes.net/artaxerxes-decree
Pilate began ruling 26/27 AD https://www.britannica.com/biography/Pontius-Pilate
Caesar Augustus, his statues and coins http://www2.econ.iastate.edu/classes/econ355/choi/augustus.htm
Second Temple https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Temple
Jesus' Birth: The Death of Herod https://truthinscripture.net/2017/01/07/jesus-birth-the-death-of-herod/
What Day was Jesus Born? (September 11, 3 BC) Study with Michael Heiser https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dz1ZFkz1QtA
The Week https://www.britannica.com/science/week
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