I sent you links proving that there were about 15 million Jews in Europe to kill.

Anyway, it took a while , but I watched the entire 11 (10 + 1 bonus hour!) of "Europa the Last Battle." If you watched it and believed the Neo-nazi narrative that Hitler was a great guy whose only sin was loving his country too much, Hitler did everything possible to avoid war, the Jews were responsible for both World Wars and Communism, the Holocaust is a Jewish hoax that fooled just about everybody, and etc , your Fennec fox ears are defective. There is plenty of evidence for the Holocaust. But, people who believe that something like the Holocaust could be made up are not going to listen to reason. Here is link to start with: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1dq08zu/comment/lamf3wa/

I doubt you will take it seriously. You are a smart guy - don't let simple minded conspiracies rot your brain and stunt your relationship with the Lord.

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Watching because you can't stomach a viewpoint is not watching to learn. I never once said Hitler was a good guy. Hitler was an occultist and so were the Nazis, which I have said several times. The Jews were not responsible for both world wars, the Vatican was ultimately responsible, but they used the Jews as they use all sorts of vehicles like secret societies and countries and the media. The Jews were not ultimately responsible for communism, but they were instrumental in implementing it in Soviet Russia, China, and many other places. These things you do not need a documentary to find out. The top people in Russian Bolshevism were Jews, and it was the Jews who brought communism to Mao and helped him implement it.

And you are wrong, the Holocaust never happened. If by "Holocaust" you mean that 6 million Jews were exterminated, this is laughable. Not a single holocaust victim has a 7 digit tattoo. Not one. They all have 6 digit tattoos maximum. Where are all the 7 digit tattoo holders? There aren't any because there weren't 6 million Jews that died.

There are so many Jews that have been exposed for faking Holocaust narratives to make money or get famous or sympathy. Even on Oprah she interviewed a couple who made up their fake romance story of meeting at the camps and touching hands through the fences and all of this nonsense. I have documented in my documentary on the Jews over a dozen false anti-semitic crimes perpetrated by Jews themselves to make themselves look like victims. Nothing new under the sun.

The majority of deaths of the Jews in concentration camps happened from typhoid. It did not happen from being incinerated or gassed because no such things existed. Even today you couldn't incinerate 6,000,000 people in a few years. The Jews were put into concentration camps but so were the Japanese in America. I can tell you out of the two the Jews received much better treatment but you won't hear about that in mainstream historical narratives.

As far as "proof" that there 15 million Jews living in Europe, you sent me no such proof. Europe did not have 6 million Jews living in it, and the Nazi party removed tens of thousands of Jews through the Haavara agreement to colonize Palestine. It is a documented fact that the Jews were using the 6 million number for decades before the Holocaust in various publications. If you understand kabbalah then you understand where this comes from.

And yes, the Holocaust is one of the biggest hoaxes in history. You know why? Because it has been used to extort hundreds of billions of dollars from Germany and the US to pump up a Zionist enterprise that does nothing but evil for decades. It is illegal in Europe to question the Holocaust and hold a revisionist perspective. If it actually happened as they say it did, then why fear investigation? Why make it punishable by thousands of dollars or jail time? Ukraine had millions of people killed and so did China, but no such law exists for those tragedies.

Theodor Herzl met with the pope in 1900 and promised a mass conversion of the Jews. Within 50 years you saw the Zionist state of Israel born because the papacy needed the Jews for its deception with the 3rd temple, Zionism and dispensationalism. Today the Jews are being exposed and everyone on mainstream is starting to see the evils of Zionism. Really? After all these years? Because Zionism's time has come to an end and Theodor's promise will need to be cashed in soon. The Jews are not the ultimate enemy because the bible tells you who Satan chose on this Earth as his main vehicle, but the Jews are part of the antichrist system and have propagated nothing but lies for their Jesuit masters in the last 80 years.

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It is a fascinating bit of history about Napoleon wanting to become a Savior of the Jews. Of course, I don't think he needed Jesuits whispering in his ears to decide he wanted to do that. Napoleon was about glorifying Napoleon; what better way to show his magnificent compassion and power than by creating a homeland for the Jews?

There were enough Jews in Europe for the killing by the late 1930's. You forgot about Eastern Europe:




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A highly unpopular opinion, but nonetheless it is the truth. The holocaust is one of the greatest hoaxes in history. There weren't 6 million Jews in Europe to kill, let alone would it have even been possible to exterminate that many people in such a little amount of time. The vast majority of Jews that did die, died because of an outbreak of Typhoid fever that killed tens of thousands in concentration camps - but these concentration camps were nothing compared to the American concentration camps for the Japanese. The Jews had kitchens and kindergartens and were well taken care of, but as the war pressed on, conditions deteriorated and typhoid got many. But they didn't have gas chambers or incineration rooms, this is just a fairytale. The Bolsheviks added a chimney to Auschwitz after taking over Germany and they took a picture of it. Most if not all of the pictures of bodies are just re-appropriated pictures from the Holodomor, the murder of millions of Christians by famine and persecution by Jewish Bolsheviks in Ukraine and Russia.

Today questioning the Holohoax is a punishable crime in Europe. The question is why? The truth fears no investigation, yet when it comes to this topic any investigation is strictly prohibited. Should tell you something.

There is a 14 hour documentary that is very in-depth on this topic, called Europa the Last Battle. Below is the link:


Nevermind that the "6 million" number was thrown around by the Jews decades before the events of WW2 as a Kabbalistic anticipatory invocation. Can't talk about these things in public these days but the truth is there.

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