Many celebrities and public figures are showing a renewed interest in conservative values and Christianity, some even professing faith and taking to the podium to talk about God or Jesus. The world and culture receives these events as a sign of “revival” and “light triumphing over darkness” — yet the bible warns in many places that such things are actually signs of the end.
I see it now. I truly believe The Holy Spirit leads me to and from certain things. Like the Chosen, I love The Lord Jesus and everyone I know,knows it. When asked if I was watching the Chosen I would always say not yet. Everybody always saying you've got to watch the chosen. So I watch and episode or 2. Could do nothing but point out the inconsistency. I suppose I'm no fun, but it was not enjoyable. I have no desire to seek much outside of the Bible itself. As a conspiracy realist it doesn't take much for me to stop being interested. I find most people lose me, for one reason or another mostly they go against my understandings. You have not. I am being taught and my Radar has not gone off. SO refreshing. Thank you for your due diligence. God is Good and He knew I was seeking calenders, Sabbaths, false prophet clarity and even someone to agree with why Trump(besides the vaccine crap and deep love for Israel) is not the hope humanity is seeking. JESUS IS. Thanks again.
Hi Heather, thanks for your kind words. I always tell people to build their beliefs on evidence and learn to build a case. That is why everything I do comes with lots of evidence, so that you do not take my word for it but rather see for yourself. Walking the narrow road is hard these days because we are at the end and there is maximum deception, hence why I am motivated to compile a library on core things (see my statement of faith) this year.
I can see exactly what u r talking about. I started your great delision series and I have to admit I don't understand alot..I don't want to be decieved . I pray about it alot and just last week I found u. I pray that I am willing to be on the narrow path, and that's something u say alot. Coincidence?
Take it one step at a time. Watch the End Times series, because that will be a foundation for all of this stuff. It's many episodes, but take one episode at a time, take notes and go through it like a class and you will learn a lot. You can post your questions in the fennec fox chat also.
It will come. There is too much invested in it since the end of WWII. I believe it will be done after a great world conflict and total exhaustion of humanity. Kind of an Order out of Chaos and Dark to Light combined. You may even be told by Klatoo Klatoo the space alien you're not on a spinning ball and from monkey man. An Avatar movie version of salvation. It will be very popular and well received.
The space alien agenda and all things associated with it, is front and center in movies. I believe they will pull this psyop, along with something out of the Vatican Archives showing Jesus was just a normal man (a Gnostic Jesus with a bloodline). I see this as why they are promoting this demoted antchrist Jesus. It will fit into every Religion like a key in a lock. Kind of like Obama Care, this new age one world religion may say "You can have your religion and your demoted pocket Jesus too". Just don't call him the Son of God, or off with your head. Once you install a demoted Jesus into all religions, like a prop in a play, god can be anything, IE the light bearer.
There are recent news articles that states that the Vatican has evidence of a UFO crash. Here is one from Newsweek.... I had to laugh at the propaganda. The Bible in 2 Thessalonians 2 tells us about people having a strong delusions and believing lies... I totally do not deserve to be able to see the lies, so unworthy. When I think about how Blessed I am, I tear up and get on my knees and Thank Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior All Glory to Him, because I know, I'm unworthy and deserve to be blinded like the rest of these people. I feel so sad for them all. And when you try to show them the Truth, no one wants to hear it. Why? Why do loved ones call me crazy?
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
I see it now. I truly believe The Holy Spirit leads me to and from certain things. Like the Chosen, I love The Lord Jesus and everyone I know,knows it. When asked if I was watching the Chosen I would always say not yet. Everybody always saying you've got to watch the chosen. So I watch and episode or 2. Could do nothing but point out the inconsistency. I suppose I'm no fun, but it was not enjoyable. I have no desire to seek much outside of the Bible itself. As a conspiracy realist it doesn't take much for me to stop being interested. I find most people lose me, for one reason or another mostly they go against my understandings. You have not. I am being taught and my Radar has not gone off. SO refreshing. Thank you for your due diligence. God is Good and He knew I was seeking calenders, Sabbaths, false prophet clarity and even someone to agree with why Trump(besides the vaccine crap and deep love for Israel) is not the hope humanity is seeking. JESUS IS. Thanks again.
Hi Heather, thanks for your kind words. I always tell people to build their beliefs on evidence and learn to build a case. That is why everything I do comes with lots of evidence, so that you do not take my word for it but rather see for yourself. Walking the narrow road is hard these days because we are at the end and there is maximum deception, hence why I am motivated to compile a library on core things (see my statement of faith) this year.
I'm about the only one who doesn't trust these influences. My husband thinks they r great and so do my friends. I seriously feel alone sometimes
It's tough trying to show people that the glitz and the glam and the emotions are all an illusion
I can see exactly what u r talking about. I started your great delision series and I have to admit I don't understand alot..I don't want to be decieved . I pray about it alot and just last week I found u. I pray that I am willing to be on the narrow path, and that's something u say alot. Coincidence?
Take it one step at a time. Watch the End Times series, because that will be a foundation for all of this stuff. It's many episodes, but take one episode at a time, take notes and go through it like a class and you will learn a lot. You can post your questions in the fennec fox chat also.
It will come. There is too much invested in it since the end of WWII. I believe it will be done after a great world conflict and total exhaustion of humanity. Kind of an Order out of Chaos and Dark to Light combined. You may even be told by Klatoo Klatoo the space alien you're not on a spinning ball and from monkey man. An Avatar movie version of salvation. It will be very popular and well received.
The space alien agenda and all things associated with it, is front and center in movies. I believe they will pull this psyop, along with something out of the Vatican Archives showing Jesus was just a normal man (a Gnostic Jesus with a bloodline). I see this as why they are promoting this demoted antchrist Jesus. It will fit into every Religion like a key in a lock. Kind of like Obama Care, this new age one world religion may say "You can have your religion and your demoted pocket Jesus too". Just don't call him the Son of God, or off with your head. Once you install a demoted Jesus into all religions, like a prop in a play, god can be anything, IE the light bearer.
I will definitely be disappointed if they don't pull the alien invasion card this year!
There are recent news articles that states that the Vatican has evidence of a UFO crash. Here is one from Newsweek.... I had to laugh at the propaganda. The Bible in 2 Thessalonians 2 tells us about people having a strong delusions and believing lies... I totally do not deserve to be able to see the lies, so unworthy. When I think about how Blessed I am, I tear up and get on my knees and Thank Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior All Glory to Him, because I know, I'm unworthy and deserve to be blinded like the rest of these people. I feel so sad for them all. And when you try to show them the Truth, no one wants to hear it. Why? Why do loved ones call me crazy?
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
Where do I find the beginning of the end times series.? I'm only seeing this one, which I'm really interested in.
Go to the bible studies section at the top menu, and scroll a little you will see End Times.
Thank u!