It's been subtle yet profound to understand that Jesus is ruling as King & Priest now as apposed to a future Millenial reign. Knowing that has provided a whole new embracing of my identity in Christ - difficult to put into words but man-o-live the peace and confidence is something else altogether. It's like before, I was in this holding pattern but now knowing that as a born again believer that He's ruling in the midst of his enemies makes my personal battles real and relevant here and now.

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You got it friend! That is exactly why the devil wants people to buy into the futurist lie. P all of the people who wrote the New Testament rejoiced that Jesus fulfilled the vision in Daniel 7 of the son of man taking Dominion because that means that God is victorious and we are part of that victory right now even though it has yet to be physically fulfilled.

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Announced today that The Chosen will be offerred free on their app worldwide, with its strong links to Mormonisn and Jonathan Rhoumie's support of the Hallow app its like everything's coming together neatly to draw Christians of all stripes back to Rome.

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The world will marvel after the beast

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"Hallow app", wow what a strange name. You would think Christians would know better.

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Unfortunately the word "Christian" doesn't mean today what it used to in the book of Acts

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That 12,000 baptized report is out of California organized by Oceans Church who has a goal to unite many churches into a movement across the U.S. as "Baptize America".

The mass baptisms are taking place at Pirate's Cove where The Jesus Movement of the 60's was birthed. Greg Laurie and other Charismatic/light Evangelicals are promoting the movie, The Jesus Revolution where Lonni Frisbee played by Jonathan Roumie (spokesman for the Hallo App.) is practically sainted.

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Wow, no surprise. The Catholic church figured out that living icons are much better than dead statues at getting people to idolize and shape culture, so they've been at it with Jesuit theatrics for the last 500 years, culminating now in great signs and wonders.

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I just received a distressed text along with a photo of the American flag hung upside down in response to Trump's conviction. It was a group family thread - all Christian, all pro-Trump.

So, I posted a link Tudor created on Trump and Christian Nationalism. Grateful that I only just digested these hours of thought provoking videos and could forward without reservation.

Now, praying for the eyes of my family to be opened.

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May God open their eyes friend!

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You’re very brave.

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White hats in control 💥💥

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After devouring hours and hours of Tudor's podcasts over the last two weeks, I went to church and felt like I'd awakened into a most dreaded dream...where nothing was as it seemed and everyone but me was okay with that.

A woman shared about a Hindu man dreaming of Jesus as described in Revelation 20 even though he'd apparently never heard about Jesus . He credits that dream to coming to Christ. Everyone listening to her was rejoicing at how God doesnt stay in a box and knew how to speak to this pagan man. Were my newly developing Fennec Fox ears picking up incongrueties in the man's story or was I becoming a Debbie Downer skeptic? Then, I found myself questioning whether I was the one becoming deceived.

I think if it weren't for Tudor's belief in a flat earth, I'd be thinking he was the greatest Bible teacher ever. I'm so conflicted and actually troubled at how deep, wide and destabilizing Satan's deceptions goes. Can't I even trust my own eyes and ability to think let alone having confidence in The Holy Spirit to guide me?

You see, I'm part of a family of analytical engineers whose livelihood depends on complex mathamatics, physics and critical thinking to make things function. If the earth were flat the entire body of proof that their projects were developed and operate on would not be possible. (btw, Non of them are members of the Masonic Order, Jesuits, Communists, Mystics or Judaism.

I ascribe to most, if not all of what Tudor speaks in regard to Biblical doctrine, but just hearing him suggest that the earth's not spherical brings the rest of what he says into question. For the life of me, I cannot understand how a round earth revolving around the sun like a precious jewel in a magnificent intricately tuned timepiece takes away from God's glory, Sovereign will, goodness, power and wisdom. On the contrary, the profound elegance, exquisite beauty of a spherical design like the graceful turns and flourishes of an intricately choreographed dance, leaves me in absolute wonder and worshipful praise of The One who created it.

Wondering what part of the beautiful water I'm drinking in The Dance of Life that might have a smidgen of strychnine that could cause me to suspend reality?

Ugh...but I'll wait to hear Tudor's series on cosmology and hope I don't keel over in the meantime.

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Irene! Boy I can't wait to get to the cosmology series. Hopefully you will watch it and not be tempted by cognitive dissonance, because this is one of the biggest lies there is my friend.

Let me share a few things with you that probably you aren't aware of. I'll give you a sneak peak! People think we figured out the Earth is a ball 2000+ years ago with Eratosthones, but this is wrong. Erathosthones did not factor refraction into his observations. Why is this so significant? Because the light is being refracted when it comes to Earth, and that means you have a lens somewhere. If you don't factor in for that lens, the curvature gets transferred to the Earth, and voila.

Did you know there have been experiments done with flat tables, a local light source, and 3 locations (reproduction of Erathosthones' experiment) - only to take math and turn the results into a completely sound mathematical model of a globe? That's right. You can turn a table into a ball and nobody is the wiser with the math working out, all because your assumptions are wrong.

The heliocentric model is a math model. It is not reality, not is it supported by empirical data. Most of the people doing research are indoctrinated by theoretical physics and math, so much so that they suffer expertise bias. Assumptions are everything. Even Einstein famously said that you can assume the Earth is at rest and the heavens are moving, or vice versa, and you'd have the same thing. Relativity was created to destroy questioning and bring in..you guessed it... relativism into science because there were many who were figuring it out with lots of great experiments we will look at.

The last 500 years of astronomical science have been dominated by Catholic and Jesuit agents, with the largest observatory named LUCIFER and owned by the Vatican, who fought tooth and nail to put it here on a pagan holy site in Arizona. Should tell you quite a bit. They know the world we live in, and they've tried to figure out how to penetrate the firmament for ages. Operation Fishbowl, check it out.

The ball is more about spirituality then it is about science. It is a paradigm. If you can be convinced you live on a ball, then there are endless other lies the devil can use to control society. Sci fi, aliens, alien agenda, meteors, climate change, transhumanism, traveling space, it never ends. If it was anyone that was interested in these things it was this guy, but God showed me the truth. As I researched even more, I realized that even the modern "Flat Earth" movement is corrupt, and they are also leading people astray.

True reality, as are all things God has made, is ultimately a mystery and that will be explored in the series. I hope you will join it!

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I'll be watching with as much cognitive dissonance I can ignore as possible.

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Good! That's the key. My goal will be that by the end you will marvel at reality even more than you do now, and that you also see how pervasive the devil's schemes have been even more than what you've learned already.

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I'm going to answer your question with another question. Do you believe we went to the moon?

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I took not of one comment made in thus site regarding Flat Earthers that it had all the marks of a PsyOp. Then, came across this:

"create cognitive dissonance. You've been lied to your whole life to believe in the Globe model. What is the underlying agenda? Lumping Christians and Truthers in a divide and rule strategy; some will fall for this trick while others won't be easily deceived by this nonsense. This flat earth stuff is to mess with your mind. Flat Earthers exchange one set of lies for another. My advice is to eschew cognitive dissonance and reside in truth."

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And..I'm waiting with baited breath to listen carefully to what you have to say.

I have a very close friend who's a Flat Earther. She shits down with, " I've researched the subject for many hours" as a non sequetor.

Hoping you will also address the issues brought up here:


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Ha ha...I was a kid when the powdered drink Tang was developed. So I literally drank that "koolaid" and loved it.

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What do u think Sunday laws will look like? I know no one knows for sure... are we hiding in our homes?

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Prohibitions against work, commerce, maybe even extended commuting. Church going delusion.

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May 29
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Thank you Stephen! Glad you enjoyed it

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