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Mar 4, 2024
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The large majority of people in history are not saved. I believe this is to show that God must resurrect the heart Himself in order for us to have faith, which is what the New Testament reveals. In the Old Testament most of Israel was apostate. If we go by the parable of the sower, that's only 25% that end up believing. I'm not sure it's meant to be mathematical but you get the point. The Bible warns of so much deception at the end that the world will marvel after the beast. All of these things will be to test the elect, because those who endure will do so because of God. That is the true test of election, and why we are invited to confirm our election in the scriptures by embracing the new life we've been given.

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Mar 4, 2024
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What specifically are you referring to?

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I think she means why has she encountered so few people of real faith.

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