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The bible is very clear that mankind has a real and personal threat in Satan, the main villain of the story of redemption. Yet Satan is a master of deception, and as such he has created many false teachings, mythologies and distractions about himself to deceive people and attack God. In this deep study we will examine what the bible actually says about the devil and separate fact from fiction.


  • 00:00 - Introduction & Review

  • 17:22 - PART 1: Who is Satan?

  • 30:49 - PART 2: How Powerful is Satan?

  • 1:12:16- PART 3: The Prince of the Power of the Air

  • 1:40:04 - PART 4: What is the Devil's Name?

  • 3:06:46 - PART 5: What are Satan's Tactics?

  • 4:12:07 - PART 6: What Motivates the Devil?

  • 4:40:41 - PART 7: When Did Satan Rebel?

  • 6:10:33 - PART 8: Evil & Predestination

  • 7:47:35 - Epilogue