Pastor Resources
Welcome to your dedicated Pastor Resources page. On here you’ll find links to unique and powerful content that can help edify your community in these crazy times. Over the years I have put together a library with hundreds of hours of highly researched material that takes a narrow road approach using the bible as a primary guide, as well as history wherever appropriate.
My goal is simple: to arm people against deception because we are at the end and that means the work of the enemy will be at a maximum. What is coming in the next few years will be so deceptive, Christ warns, that it would fool even the elect if possible.
Below you will find links to key topics and studies. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch with me using the button below:
To learn more about me and my journey, you can read my testimony here.
To learn more about what drives my content, you can read my statement of faith here.
I have also created a dedicated folder with a few printable items. Below are descriptions of them.
Pastor Postcard Invitation
The postcard is 11x6 (after .125 trim) and is a great way to introduce someone to the library. All they need to do is scan the QR code and it will take them to this page, which further links all my major bible studies and content.
To download this resources, please go here.
End Times Prophetic Timeline
This is a powerful visual aide for any student of bible prophecy. It is a 36x33in poster that displays all the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation superimposed over a timeline from about 700BC to 2100AD. I discuss these things in great depth in my End Times series.
To download this resources, please go here.
The Trinity Graphic Poster
This is a beautiful 34x30in poster that visually portrays the relationships within the Godhead and provides bible verses for each Person’s role within the plan of salvation.
To download this resources, please go here.
Short Shareable Videos
I focus on rich, long-form content with my podcast that is research intensive and highly detailed. But I have also created many short, animated and engaging videos to help introduce people to my library. Below is a compilation of all these videos on various topics that you can watch and share with others:
The End Times Series
This is my comprehensive end times bible study series where we look at every major question of the end times from the millennial kingdom to Mystery Babylon, the beasts in Daniel and Revelation, the False Prophet and Image of the Beast and much more.
The Great Delusion Series
Embark on an epic journey through history and scripture to discover The Great Delusion. In 2 Thessalonians 2, the apostle Paul warns that at the end of time Satan will leverage all of his power to deceive the world. This great delusion is consistent with the first beast of Revelation 13 coming back to life and being worshipped, and with people taking the mark of the beast — as well as the kings of the Earth giving their power to Mystery Babylon in Revelation 17.
The Afterlife Series
This page contains my series on death and the afterlife, as well as related topics like OBEs (Out of Body Experiences), NDEs (Near Death Experiences), Reincarnation, demons, heaven, the spirit realm, angels, the Nephilim and many other related topics. Please share with your family and friends as these are valuable truths and many have been deceived by Mystery Babylon.
The Sabbath Series
Today many are deceived on the nature of the Sabbath, both on the side of legalism and also on the side of believing Christians no longer have to celebrate the Sabbath. In this comprehensive series we will do a deep dive into the history of the Sabbath beginning at creation, continuing through the Old Testament and up until Jesus’ time — as well as important history following the New Testament and into the modern era. Our goal will be to answer several key questions surrounding the Sabbath and its practice so that you can walk the narrow road between opposing errors.
The Trinity Series
The Trinity is unique to biblical Christianity and is often misunderstood, yet it is a profound topic to study and reveals the character and nature of God as well as the full scope and workings of the plan of salvation.
Cosmology Series
In this series we will do a deep dive into biblical cosmology and defend it with scripture, science and history. It is not an exhaustive series on all things related to this topic, but it is very comprehensive and also contains information that even those seasoned in biblical cosmology will find revelatory.
Bible Studies Page
On this page you will find all of my in-depth bible studies on a variety of topics. Simply scroll down and then click on the image of the study you want to explore and you will be taken to the dedicated page.
Encouragement Page
On this page you will find a collection of encouraging materials that I’ve produced which are designed to bolster your faith, edify your knowledge of the gospel of grace and strengthen you during difficult times of life. These include narrations of my grace-centered articles, as well as narrations of the Psalms, Proverbs and other resources such as short videos and testimonial interviews.