The bible warns of a false light system that will take over the world, allowing the kings of the Earth to pledge their power to Mystery Babylon, which is the Catholic Church and its papal leadership. Yet this system will first begin in the land of signs and wonders, which is the False Prophet that John sees aiding the First Beast to come back to power. This land is the United States of America, and its job is to create the template for this new system.
Dear Tudar, Do you think the Jesuits may be leading (secretly) this rise of Christian Nationalism? I have encountered a few of these folks on social media and they can be nasty. Do you think they will try to kill us, who want no part of these earthly kingsdoms? Thank you Shelie R
Hi Shelie, yes I do. They seem to be at the source of all the conspiracies in history one way or another, at least for the last 500 years. The bible says that people will worship the beast and take its mark (of obedience) and, if you don't, you will not be able to buy or sell and probably be hunted down. Christians have endured and ran away since the beginning, so I trust God to guide us and protect us when that time comes.
Dear Tudar, Thank you for responding, most podcasters don't. Since you mention the mark of the beast. I'm trying to work through this, because as you know many dissident Christians who keep to the true reformed, historical view of Bible prophecy have different views on this issue, and I'm getting confused. Some claim it is "the Sabbath", which makes sense, and seems Biblical until I realized that the days were not named in the Genesis creation account, and then you know the other arguements against it, the Julian and Gergorian calenders. Then others are saying its your social security number (very scary), for me because I didn't start reading and studying the Bible until three years ago, and I got my social security card in high school, so I could work, almost 40 years ago, and others are saying its the cbcd coming in. You and I know, the jesuits know all these views on Bible prophecy, and I do not want to disobey Jesus Christ any longer, I still feel sick and so very sorry, when I think about how dumb I have been most of my life, and how much I hurt my Savior, I absolutely do not want to do that anymore. Anyway, have you heard Nicklas Author on Bible prophecy? He has a website called Its on wordpress, he has a small following, like most dissidents. He also does an open discussion every night on his rumble channel at 9 pm pacific on, He posts is phone number. I'm not a good verbal communicator, its hard to explain. I know in my head what I'm trying to communicate, but sometimes I blank on a certain word, then I end up giving the definition of that word, and sometimes people don't know what I'm talking about. That being said, I was hoping you could call in, and iron this stuff out. If your not comfortable doing that, I understand. Please know I'm not afraid of what people can do to me, Jesus has been guilding me and helping me my entire life, and I wasn't asking Him to, and I didn't really know Him, and 100% did/do not deserve it. He will carry us through, and if not, He knows why. God Bless you and Thank you so much. You and few others (very few) are doing Gods Work, your rewards will be great. Kind Regards, Shelie R.
Hi Shelie, it's OK to feel confused. End Times stuff is very confusing, because we are at the end of the end and deception is at a maximum. The devil has been very busy over the last 2000 years, so don't feel too bad. I have a Sabbath series I just started, where I discuss these points in the first episode, so check it out in the bible studies section. I also have an episode on the mark of the beast, in my end times series (also in bible studies), which goes into great detail.
I believe the Sabbath is the most likely candidate, because we know the beast is the Catholic system and that system has bragged about it's ability to change the law of God from Saturday to Sunday. Of course Saturday was not the 7th day until 321 AD, but the issue is Rome began the practice of resting on the first day instead of the 7th and has persecuted people for centuries with this. In the Sabbath series, in the future, I will document the history of such things. Nonetheless there is historical precedent for it.
If you understand also that the mark is a spiritual thing, there's no need to worry about SSN or barcodes or IDs or anything of this nature. Those who will be saved will not take the mark, that is guaranteed, because the mark is a spiritual thing and God will provide for you and give you awareness. Those who are not going to be sealed by God (elect) will be deceived because what is coming will be a great deception, the devil's final trick.
How they will enforce it is anyone's guess, but there are many things forming and many precedents. Like Project 2025, which I also cover. People think this sounds crazy, but if you realize the bible has been warning of a Christian nationalist system for the last 2000 years then it's not that crazy -- especially when that system has existed for more than 1400 of the last 2000 years.
In regards to that Nick fellow, I'd be happy to have an interview on his show if he wants to arrange it, or if someone else wants to. I need to schedule such things as I have a pretty packed schedule these days with what I am intending to create in the next year or so of content.
Dear Tudar, Do you think the Jesuits may be leading (secretly) this rise of Christian Nationalism? I have encountered a few of these folks on social media and they can be nasty. Do you think they will try to kill us, who want no part of these earthly kingsdoms? Thank you Shelie R
Hi Shelie, yes I do. They seem to be at the source of all the conspiracies in history one way or another, at least for the last 500 years. The bible says that people will worship the beast and take its mark (of obedience) and, if you don't, you will not be able to buy or sell and probably be hunted down. Christians have endured and ran away since the beginning, so I trust God to guide us and protect us when that time comes.
Dear Tudar, Thank you for responding, most podcasters don't. Since you mention the mark of the beast. I'm trying to work through this, because as you know many dissident Christians who keep to the true reformed, historical view of Bible prophecy have different views on this issue, and I'm getting confused. Some claim it is "the Sabbath", which makes sense, and seems Biblical until I realized that the days were not named in the Genesis creation account, and then you know the other arguements against it, the Julian and Gergorian calenders. Then others are saying its your social security number (very scary), for me because I didn't start reading and studying the Bible until three years ago, and I got my social security card in high school, so I could work, almost 40 years ago, and others are saying its the cbcd coming in. You and I know, the jesuits know all these views on Bible prophecy, and I do not want to disobey Jesus Christ any longer, I still feel sick and so very sorry, when I think about how dumb I have been most of my life, and how much I hurt my Savior, I absolutely do not want to do that anymore. Anyway, have you heard Nicklas Author on Bible prophecy? He has a website called Its on wordpress, he has a small following, like most dissidents. He also does an open discussion every night on his rumble channel at 9 pm pacific on, He posts is phone number. I'm not a good verbal communicator, its hard to explain. I know in my head what I'm trying to communicate, but sometimes I blank on a certain word, then I end up giving the definition of that word, and sometimes people don't know what I'm talking about. That being said, I was hoping you could call in, and iron this stuff out. If your not comfortable doing that, I understand. Please know I'm not afraid of what people can do to me, Jesus has been guilding me and helping me my entire life, and I wasn't asking Him to, and I didn't really know Him, and 100% did/do not deserve it. He will carry us through, and if not, He knows why. God Bless you and Thank you so much. You and few others (very few) are doing Gods Work, your rewards will be great. Kind Regards, Shelie R.
Hi Shelie, it's OK to feel confused. End Times stuff is very confusing, because we are at the end of the end and deception is at a maximum. The devil has been very busy over the last 2000 years, so don't feel too bad. I have a Sabbath series I just started, where I discuss these points in the first episode, so check it out in the bible studies section. I also have an episode on the mark of the beast, in my end times series (also in bible studies), which goes into great detail.
I believe the Sabbath is the most likely candidate, because we know the beast is the Catholic system and that system has bragged about it's ability to change the law of God from Saturday to Sunday. Of course Saturday was not the 7th day until 321 AD, but the issue is Rome began the practice of resting on the first day instead of the 7th and has persecuted people for centuries with this. In the Sabbath series, in the future, I will document the history of such things. Nonetheless there is historical precedent for it.
If you understand also that the mark is a spiritual thing, there's no need to worry about SSN or barcodes or IDs or anything of this nature. Those who will be saved will not take the mark, that is guaranteed, because the mark is a spiritual thing and God will provide for you and give you awareness. Those who are not going to be sealed by God (elect) will be deceived because what is coming will be a great deception, the devil's final trick.
How they will enforce it is anyone's guess, but there are many things forming and many precedents. Like Project 2025, which I also cover. People think this sounds crazy, but if you realize the bible has been warning of a Christian nationalist system for the last 2000 years then it's not that crazy -- especially when that system has existed for more than 1400 of the last 2000 years.
In regards to that Nick fellow, I'd be happy to have an interview on his show if he wants to arrange it, or if someone else wants to. I need to schedule such things as I have a pretty packed schedule these days with what I am intending to create in the next year or so of content.