Many do not know the important history of how beliefs on the afterlife shifted in God’s people, yet a broad review from the Hebrews to the modern Church reveals a sinister truth: the enemy has corrupted the truth through countless assaults and false narratives. Today we will uncover this very important history, so that you aren’t deceived by what is coming on the horizon.
Hi Tudor. I know this topic is abstract, and I don't find much of anything I disagree with you on, but do you think that "rest" before resurection is equal for all? I looked at alot of NDE info, and see it as something, but nothing to sway one away from what you say. Kind of like things I've read on the Mandela effect and scripture. Dogmatism says you must disregard such things wholly, even what seems true and obvious, as dogmatism insists you can't keep an open mind on such things without falling into perdition and deception. So do you think people line Anton Lavey, or Aleister Crowley etc. see nothing until resurection and judgement? I really don't know.
Hi John, I do have a planned episode discussing NDEs and OBEs. They are a phenomenon but my argument is that there is demonic deception happening. Crowley died and the very next thing he will be aware of, as if no time has passed, will be the resurrection and lake of fire.
Hi Tudor. I know this topic is abstract, and I don't find much of anything I disagree with you on, but do you think that "rest" before resurection is equal for all? I looked at alot of NDE info, and see it as something, but nothing to sway one away from what you say. Kind of like things I've read on the Mandela effect and scripture. Dogmatism says you must disregard such things wholly, even what seems true and obvious, as dogmatism insists you can't keep an open mind on such things without falling into perdition and deception. So do you think people line Anton Lavey, or Aleister Crowley etc. see nothing until resurection and judgement? I really don't know.
Hi John, I do have a planned episode discussing NDEs and OBEs. They are a phenomenon but my argument is that there is demonic deception happening. Crowley died and the very next thing he will be aware of, as if no time has passed, will be the resurrection and lake of fire.