The Great Delusion

Embark on an epic journey through history and scripture to discover The Great Delusion. In 2 Thessalonians 2, the apostle Paul warns that at the end of time Satan will leverage all of his power to deceive the world. This great delusion is consistent with the first beast of Revelation 13 coming back to life and being worshipped, and with people taking the mark of the beast — as well as the kings of the Earth giving their power to Mystery Babylon in Revelation 17.

Today you will see just how close The Great Delusion is to becoming a reality as all threads integrate into the final deception that will be played upon mankind.

For a list of references for each part in this documentary as well as the documentary presentation notes, please see the respective Resources subfolder in the Dance of Life Library:

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End Times Prophetic Timeline

As a visual aide to this series I have created a graphic that outlines and overlaps all of the prophecies in Daniel and Revelation, so that you can see them historically fulfilled and how they relate to one another. It is a great resource and you are welcome to share it with others. You can find it along with the other resources mentioned here in the dedicated subfolder in the library.

To purchase this timeline in stunning poster varieties or postcards to hand out to your friends or family, you can do so below:

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Below is a walkthrough of the entire timeline for a “big picture” view:

Below you will find the full documentary as well as individual parts to watch.


  • 00:00 - Introduction

  • 19:28 - PART 1: Current Events

  • 1:11:55 - PART 2: The Jesuit End Times Conspiracy

  • 1:51:44 - PART 3: The History of Dispensationalism

  • 2:21:53 - PART 4: The Occult Connection

  • 3:13:53 - PART 5: The Pentecostal Connection

  • 4:44:42 - PART 6: The Evolution of the NAR

  • 5:43:44 - PART 7: The Beast & The Charismatic Movement

  • 6:30:18 - PART 8: The Islamic Connection

  • 7:13:40 - PART 9: Zionism & The Third Temple

  • 8:59:46 - PART 10: Epilogue

Below are the individual parts of the documentary:

The Great Delusion: Introduction

The Great Delusion: Current Events

The Great Delusion: The Jesuit End Times Conspiracy

The Great Delusion: The History of Dispensationalism

The Great Delusion: The Occult Connection

The Great Delusion: The Pentecostal Connection

The Great Delusion: The Evolution of the NAR

The Great Delusion: The Beast & The Charismatic Movement

The Great Delusion: The Islamic Connection

The Great Delusion: Zionism & The Third Temple

The Great Delusion: Epilogue