The Great Error of Transubstantiation
Today over 2 billion people believe in the teaching of transubstantiation -- that Christ's actual body and blood are present in the bread and wine offered at church on Sunday. I grew up with these beliefs as well, but what if tradition has made a great error? Either Protestantism is wrong and those who reject this teaching are rejecting a key command from Christ, or Catholicism and Orthodoxy are wrong and they have espoused a teaching with blasphemous implications and outcomes. The stakes are high on either side, so regardless of our position we must be sure and convicted of our beliefs using objective evidence and history, as well as the perfect testimony of God's word.
References for this message are cited at the bottom of this post. To download the PDF file of my personal presentation notes, along with the video file for this episode, you can do so in the dedicated folder of the library:
00:00 - Introduction
07:24 - Scriptural Foundations of Transubstantiation
09:45 - Implications
13:15 - Tradition vs. Scripture
18:46 - Official Positions of Catholicism
41:57 - Official Positions of Orthodoxy
52:13 - Implications
54:43 - Response #1: The Nature of Salvation
1:24:05 - The Nature of the Atonement
1:31:11 - Response #2: Works of the Church & Fruits of the Spirit
1:35:51 - What God Really Cares About
1:45:29 - The Problems of Relying on Tradition
2:02:07 - CONTEXT FOR JOHN 6: Verses Concerning Blood
2:06:57 - CONTEXT FOR JOHN 6: Typology
2:11:40 - CONTEXT FOR JOHN 6: Eating & Food as Metaphors
2:31:57 - John 6 Exegesis
2:47:03 - Objection: 1 Corinthians 10:16-21
2:49:00 - 4 Reasons the Last Supper is Symbolic
2:54:35 - The Temple as a Spiritual Reality
2:58:20 - How to Actually Celebrate Communion
3:00:54 - Lutheranism & Transubstantiation
Catholic Encyclopedia, Sacrifice of the Mass,
Thirteenth Session of the Council of Trent (Eucharist),
Dignity of the priesthood, p.32-33,
Eucharist necessary for salvation,
Communion as Salvation,
The Orthodox Understanding of the Eucharist,
The Confession of Dositheus,
Augustine, the former gnostic, and his many heretical views,
Exposing the Heresies of the Catholic Church,
Lutheranism and Transubstantiation,
Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification,