The Serpent Seed Psyop
The Serpent Seed doctrine is an ancient deception that has made its way into many places throughout history. The basic understanding is that the temptation in the garden was actually sexual, and that Eve mated with the Serpent and had a line of evil reptilian children through Cain, which is the source of evil in the world. Drawing on conspiracy theories and poor bible hermeneutics, this theory has justified fanatical movements and destructive beliefs.
Today we will refute this poisonous teaching and reveal the profound truth it is designed to hide about what actually happened in Genesis 3.
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The Serpent Seed Psyop (Full Documentary)
00:00 - Introduction
08:20 - PART 1: What is the Serpent Seed?
39:15 - PART 2: Important History
1:11:08 - PART 3: Pre-Adamic Theory
2:30:40 - PART 4: Biblical Response
4:27:22 - PART 5: The Forbidden Fruit
7:33:16 - PART 6: The Gospel