In this final installment of our segment on “The Truth About Hell,” we examine an important piece of context which is the nature of God’s wrath. Throughout the bible and especially in the Old Testament, whenever we see pictures of God’s wrath we also see that it is limited and gets dissipated after judgment. In other words, God does not stay angry — and that means that eternal conscious torment is inconsistent with who we know God to be.
Hi Tudor very much enjoying all of your teachings you have made me think about a lot of things guestion! If God feels bad about sending people to destruction why did he write the story that way free will and predestination is hard to understand
Hi Dennis, at the end of the day we do not have all the answers. If you begin with the cross it is what explains everything as much as possible. Without evil the cross could not have happened, and without the cross we wouldn't know God's love nor have the context for our existence nor atonement. The cross gives God the legal precedent to share His Spirit with created beings, which is a necessity, because created beings cannot choose the good inherently. This is the problem, to which the cross is a solution. But the cross was predestined, and that means so was evil. The good news is that for those whom God has saved, evil is worked for the good in our lives. The villains of the story will get their just recompense because God is just. He doesn't enjoy destroying anyone, but evil was necessary and therefore so is wrath and judgment.
Thank you for getting back to me I have been studying God's word for the last 40 years only asking the Lord for one thing and that's Lord let the truth set me free and He has been faithful always I am all the things that the bible says I am born again spirt filled blood bought it is no accident I am listening to you I am amazed at your teachings I also have always loved prophecy to be truly predestined would be to me the greatest truth I could ever end up with on this amazing journey pray for me my heart opens to this truth my prayers are with you God speed
Everything can be understood from the cross first. Acts 4 tells us that the cross was predestined, meaning those who murdered Jesus were predetermined by God as the villains of the story. In 1 Corinthians 2:8 it says if they knew they wouldn't have crucified Him, and therefore nobody would be saved. Those who God doesn't save have a purpose as the villains to the story. We don't know who that is, because anyone can turn a round at any point, but everything has a purpose -- both the wicked and the saved.
Hi Tudor very much enjoying all of your teachings you have made me think about a lot of things guestion! If God feels bad about sending people to destruction why did he write the story that way free will and predestination is hard to understand
Hi Dennis, at the end of the day we do not have all the answers. If you begin with the cross it is what explains everything as much as possible. Without evil the cross could not have happened, and without the cross we wouldn't know God's love nor have the context for our existence nor atonement. The cross gives God the legal precedent to share His Spirit with created beings, which is a necessity, because created beings cannot choose the good inherently. This is the problem, to which the cross is a solution. But the cross was predestined, and that means so was evil. The good news is that for those whom God has saved, evil is worked for the good in our lives. The villains of the story will get their just recompense because God is just. He doesn't enjoy destroying anyone, but evil was necessary and therefore so is wrath and judgment.
Thank you for getting back to me I have been studying God's word for the last 40 years only asking the Lord for one thing and that's Lord let the truth set me free and He has been faithful always I am all the things that the bible says I am born again spirt filled blood bought it is no accident I am listening to you I am amazed at your teachings I also have always loved prophecy to be truly predestined would be to me the greatest truth I could ever end up with on this amazing journey pray for me my heart opens to this truth my prayers are with you God speed
Thank you Tudor.
You're welcome!
Everything can be understood from the cross first. Acts 4 tells us that the cross was predestined, meaning those who murdered Jesus were predetermined by God as the villains of the story. In 1 Corinthians 2:8 it says if they knew they wouldn't have crucified Him, and therefore nobody would be saved. Those who God doesn't save have a purpose as the villains to the story. We don't know who that is, because anyone can turn a round at any point, but everything has a purpose -- both the wicked and the saved.