Around the world people are crying for peace and safety, and Satan is providing them with it through charismatic leaders, populism and a return to religion.
Tudor, I am so grateful for your approach to your content. Thank you for not doing “shorts”. Your assessment of how they would impact your content is right on! I also want to say I applaud your authenticity when you speak of those who would be most interested in short blips! You speak the truth! If one is truly interested in knowing the truth and learning to discern what we are living through in this time of history, one has to be prepared to “do the work”. I for one, would rather spend time learning history and the Word of God and being watchful of prophecy as it is unfolding, than anything else I could possibly spend time doing! Keep up the great work, brother!
Good for you to stand firm against 'shorts' ... we are proof that God brings those asking for Truth and clarity to your inspired work. Thank you and praise Jesus.
Hey Tudor! Thanks for another excellent episode of Venerable Day of the Sun. God bless you for your hard work ❤️
I hope that you’re taking your own advice and taking a weekly Sabbath, a lot of people need your insights, so take care. Will be praying for you , brother.
Think Tudor said once that Christian Zionism is one word cancelling out the meaning of the other? I witnessed a Zionfool say smugly "Alright, so we wasted a few pagans in Gaza. So what?." (Atm I am a student Christian, a work in progress, not a fully licenced one). Adrenaline and anger rose instantly. I intended to put his rogue speakbox out of action for a year. Gentle Words Only No Swearing my inner Voice said firmly. Nose to nose'with the grown up babyman I whispered clearly .."It is BE-CAUSE you call them Pay-gans that makes Wast-ing them Far Worse... Belong to God you see. Not yours to take my furry fen-ec fox.." What! Of all the things to say! Too late. But that was definitely Christ who intervened to let the babyman go free. And you all know where the fenec fox came from don't you.Y' Know Precisely.
Tudor, began listening to #11 today. At the 1:02:50 time stamp you mentioned how the MAGA movement claimed to
be a Christian movement but very unforgiving. Trump at some speech prior to being re-selected had this to say:
“And again, Christians, get out and vote! Just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years. You know what? It’ll be fixed! It’ll be fine! You won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians. I love you, Christians! I’m not a Christian. I love you. Get out. You gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again.” If this doesn’t telegraph that all they plan is deception I do not know what would. Your thoughts ?
He just called himself King this afternoon. Literally, long live the King. Wow…just wow! The writing is on the wall…we just have to want the truth to be able to see it!
I still do not agree with your position on if we have "faith" that means we are taking the grace away from God as "choosing us". What is faith? Its us ACCEPTING HIM. We are accepting the TRUTH of Him which was granted us through the new covenent - the new covenent was granted to us before creation. So as He create us it was IN HIS will (aka HE CHOSE US) to either recognize Him or deny Him. THIS is what I mean by choice. The entire Bible is essentially "choose this day whom you serve"? "They will not understand as they CHOSE to not believe and have "pleasure in unrighteousness". There is even a parable of if you are joined with an unbeliever, stay the course as you may "impress" upon Him to believe (paraphrasing). Yes, God chose us and His choice was making us in HIS IMAGE through HIS SON who gave us the ability to "walk in the light as He is in the light".
Yes, wonderful scripture. I interpret this as we are made "in HIM", why He said "those that are of Him recognize His voice" The "ungrateful" souls that "choose" their own path are no different than when satan denied him then Adam and Eve chose to deny Him - "not recognizing Him preferring their own interpretation of things".
Why else did God do what He did with Abraham..ask Him to offer his own son..knowing all along that the occultists and unbelievers did such was to prove Abraham KNEW God. When you KNOW who God is, REALLY know Him you dont doubt, you dont need too because you know He is truth, creator, perfect. This is an example for us to "know Him" . Why test Abraham at all if He could have just "made him" obey? God made us to have a relationship with HIm IN HIS IMAGE which involves "love"..why we were given the responsibility over all of His love them as He loves us.
QQ Why didnt God just create and put us all in the "new Jerusalem" from the beginning and skip over the entire garden situation of satan, adam and Eve making such horrible choices . God is "all knowing, all powerful, omnipresent, omniscient"...why did He allow the decisions that He was well aware were to be done in "sin"..
He didnt allow all the evil that has transpired for His entertainment..Paraphrasing here .."I dont temp are drawn away from me by your OWN desires
Lastly, when God is referring to "sin"...(paraphrasing).."they took the incorruptible image of God and put on a "corruptible image"..those that do such things have a severe consquence..eternal separation..Do you really think God would choose people to be forever separated?
I believe God knew what satan and Adam/eve would do. IN HIS GREAT LOVE for us He planned to die for us to be truly "made in His image" HE knew the consequences to get allow us the ability to "recognize our need for Him".. So yes, He chooses us but He did it all at the very beginning when He created us to be in HIS IMAGE.
RCC they have really done a great job setting up a false image of the devil to be mocked … and have fooled the masses into believing only the devil imitates the truth…
Tudor, I am so grateful for your approach to your content. Thank you for not doing “shorts”. Your assessment of how they would impact your content is right on! I also want to say I applaud your authenticity when you speak of those who would be most interested in short blips! You speak the truth! If one is truly interested in knowing the truth and learning to discern what we are living through in this time of history, one has to be prepared to “do the work”. I for one, would rather spend time learning history and the Word of God and being watchful of prophecy as it is unfolding, than anything else I could possibly spend time doing! Keep up the great work, brother!
Thank you Sandi! Those who want the truth will find it, and that's who I make my videos for :)
We got the book and the poster. Wow praise Jesus Christ we have it. We pray God give you His grace abundantly brother. Very grateful.
Good for you to stand firm against 'shorts' ... we are proof that God brings those asking for Truth and clarity to your inspired work. Thank you and praise Jesus.
Hey Tudor! Thanks for another excellent episode of Venerable Day of the Sun. God bless you for your hard work ❤️
I hope that you’re taking your own advice and taking a weekly Sabbath, a lot of people need your insights, so take care. Will be praying for you , brother.
Thank you friend. The Sabbath is my favorite day and without it I would go insane :P
Think Tudor said once that Christian Zionism is one word cancelling out the meaning of the other? I witnessed a Zionfool say smugly "Alright, so we wasted a few pagans in Gaza. So what?." (Atm I am a student Christian, a work in progress, not a fully licenced one). Adrenaline and anger rose instantly. I intended to put his rogue speakbox out of action for a year. Gentle Words Only No Swearing my inner Voice said firmly. Nose to nose'with the grown up babyman I whispered clearly .."It is BE-CAUSE you call them Pay-gans that makes Wast-ing them Far Worse... Belong to God you see. Not yours to take my furry fen-ec fox.." What! Of all the things to say! Too late. But that was definitely Christ who intervened to let the babyman go free. And you all know where the fenec fox came from don't you.Y' Know Precisely.
Only going to get worse as they start building that nonsense in Jerusalem!
Tudor, began listening to #11 today. At the 1:02:50 time stamp you mentioned how the MAGA movement claimed to
be a Christian movement but very unforgiving. Trump at some speech prior to being re-selected had this to say:
“And again, Christians, get out and vote! Just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years. You know what? It’ll be fixed! It’ll be fine! You won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians. I love you, Christians! I’m not a Christian. I love you. Get out. You gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again.” If this doesn’t telegraph that all they plan is deception I do not know what would. Your thoughts ?
He just called himself King this afternoon. Literally, long live the King. Wow…just wow! The writing is on the wall…we just have to want the truth to be able to see it!
Can’t wait to start watching after work today! Thank you Tudor🤩
Thank you, I have been looking forward to this.
Tudor, almost 8 hours of content and you never answered the question; Is the Gold in Fort Knox ? :)
America was also saying from the beginning that it was relying on its own righteousness and at the same time saying one nation under God?
I saw this motto on the first seal they were trying to get figured out ..
I think we have been very deceived as being biblically illiterate and fooled by self righteousness like Pharisees as a nation
America, in my opinion, has a purpose as God is sovereign
And the purpose we are in it and seeing it now
This is long but right in the beginning
The pope to try and stop the war or even let them have Xmas ..
So if the gold is gone and the money is backed by the bank of Rotshils Rome ?
lol it was painful my exact thoughts I was like stop please why lol
I still do not agree with your position on if we have "faith" that means we are taking the grace away from God as "choosing us". What is faith? Its us ACCEPTING HIM. We are accepting the TRUTH of Him which was granted us through the new covenent - the new covenent was granted to us before creation. So as He create us it was IN HIS will (aka HE CHOSE US) to either recognize Him or deny Him. THIS is what I mean by choice. The entire Bible is essentially "choose this day whom you serve"? "They will not understand as they CHOSE to not believe and have "pleasure in unrighteousness". There is even a parable of if you are joined with an unbeliever, stay the course as you may "impress" upon Him to believe (paraphrasing). Yes, God chose us and His choice was making us in HIS IMAGE through HIS SON who gave us the ability to "walk in the light as He is in the light".
What does John 6:44 say
Yes, wonderful scripture. I interpret this as we are made "in HIM", why He said "those that are of Him recognize His voice" The "ungrateful" souls that "choose" their own path are no different than when satan denied him then Adam and Eve chose to deny Him - "not recognizing Him preferring their own interpretation of things".
Why else did God do what He did with Abraham..ask Him to offer his own son..knowing all along that the occultists and unbelievers did such was to prove Abraham KNEW God. When you KNOW who God is, REALLY know Him you dont doubt, you dont need too because you know He is truth, creator, perfect. This is an example for us to "know Him" . Why test Abraham at all if He could have just "made him" obey? God made us to have a relationship with HIm IN HIS IMAGE which involves "love"..why we were given the responsibility over all of His love them as He loves us.
QQ Why didnt God just create and put us all in the "new Jerusalem" from the beginning and skip over the entire garden situation of satan, adam and Eve making such horrible choices . God is "all knowing, all powerful, omnipresent, omniscient"...why did He allow the decisions that He was well aware were to be done in "sin"..
He didnt allow all the evil that has transpired for His entertainment..Paraphrasing here .."I dont temp are drawn away from me by your OWN desires
Lastly, when God is referring to "sin"...(paraphrasing).."they took the incorruptible image of God and put on a "corruptible image"..those that do such things have a severe consquence..eternal separation..Do you really think God would choose people to be forever separated?
I believe God knew what satan and Adam/eve would do. IN HIS GREAT LOVE for us He planned to die for us to be truly "made in His image" HE knew the consequences to get allow us the ability to "recognize our need for Him".. So yes, He chooses us but He did it all at the very beginning when He created us to be in HIS IMAGE.
All nothing new etc.. just wild to be seeing it and having peace at the same time and still wanting to see more wake up ❤️❤️❤️
RCC they have really done a great job setting up a false image of the devil to be mocked … and have fooled the masses into believing only the devil imitates the truth…
So how could their system be wrong!!??!
Phenomenal as usual!