
Revelation 17 tells us that a time is soon coming where the kings of the Earth will again pledge their power to the Beast. This will be when the image of the Beast comes to life and enforces the mark, and many will be deceived and marvel. But history offers us important clues as to what this system will look like, and one of them is that we are going to return to monarchies and kingdoms. What was done during the French Revolution is being undone, so that the Beast can once again rule supreme.


  • 00:00 - Introduction & Housekeeping

  • 36:51 - The Kings of the Earth

  • 52:05 - PART 1: Bread & Circuses

  • 2:04:51 - PART 2: Culture Shaping

  • 3:41:47 - PART 3: Dialectics

  • 4:52:02 - PART 4: The Fate of the Jews

  • 6:49:23 - PART 5: The Image of the Beast

  • 8:38:50 - Final Thoughts