Beautifully done!! I'll never understand how they twist his words & defile them either. Thanks for taking time out to do this one. Much needed.

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One of the points that I continually see made by the deniers of Paul is that Paul advocates that lying is permissible to spread the Gospel . The scriptures used to back that point are Romans 3:7 , 1 Cor. 9 20-22, 2 Cor. 12:16 and Phillipians 1:18 . How do I counter these points, for it appears Paul is advocating lying ? Is it permissible to lie to spread the Gospel ?

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Peter says people take Paul's words out of context just like they twist the rest of the scriptures, today there is nothing new.

Romans 3:7 is not talking about the gospel, it is addressing the accusation that grace is license to sin, which he addresses later, but in this part it is more addressing an accusation that people were leveling against him that sin leads to God's glory (which it does in the end because God is just) so why not just keep sinning. A good commentary is below:


1 Corinthians 9:20-22 is talking about the lengths to which Paul has endured various trials in order to preach the gospel. In context Paul is saying he did his best to relate to people on their level. To the Jews he related to them as Jews, because he himself is a Jew and can preach from the principles of the law. To the gentiles he related to them from the perspective of grace, because the gentiles have no obligation to the Torah. It is not talking about being a subversive chameleon and lying, because Paul wasn't lying about anything.

2 Corinthians 12:16 is not an admission, it is a response to an accusation.

Philippians 1:18 requires, as all of these do, to read in context. This is a response to people preaching the gospel out of the wrong reasons, yet Paul is saying so what? They preached it and accomplished his purpose anyway by spreading the message to the gentiles. Billy Graham was a high ranking Freemason, yet God uses all things for the good and people have been saved through Billy Graham even though he is ecumenical and a secret society member. Same with Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn, all of these wolves serve God's glory for His elect, which is the point Paul is making.

Overall when you get these zingers 100% of the time they are taken out of context. Never do people use context, which is why again Peter tells you the truth about such people.

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That's definitely an interesting take on Graham , Olsteen and Hinn . So you are comparing Paul to those preachers who you describe as wolves . This is the doctrine of the end justifies the means , I think we are going to have to agree to disagree on this issue .

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That is not at all what I said. I did not compare Paul to Graham, Olsteen or Hinn. Read my comment again.

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I have read the part where you are discussing Philippians many times . You describe the 3 Pastors as secret society members and working towards an ecumenicalim goal . Graham for example would tell those in attendance who were part of the RCC to go to back to their Roman Priest for guidance . That is a false Gospel and an evil agenda , as someone who came out of RCC I know that full well. . Yet you put Pauls response as " so what " . Proverbs 8:13 , Fear of the Lord is to hate evil , Proverbs 17:15 He who justifies the wicked and condemns the just are both an abomination to the Lord . Those 3 are wicked nothing good about them they have led many astray .

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Paul speaks about election and predestination many times, which is what Christ also teaches in places like John 3, John 6, John 10, John 17. If there are an elect that will come to Christ no matter what the devil does, and God uses all things for the good (Romans 8:28-30) for those who are called, then what that means is evil and the devil serve God's purposes and glory always.

That means that Billy Graham being a freemason and ecumenical or Joel Osteen being about the prosperity gospel doesn't matter to God. God uses the foolish things to shame the wise, and Joseph says that though his brothers MEANT it for evil, God MEANT it for good. Though Billy Graham was a puppet of the pope, God used his preaching to reach the ears of the elect. They cannot damage God's plan of salvation, because it is predestined.

This is the same point Paul is making. I did not compare Paul to wolves in sheep's clothing. I said Paul is not obsessed or bothered by it because in the end he knows God is sovereign over salvation. Though some may preach out of the wrong reasons (Joel Osteen) - the elect will hear it and he knows that. Very simple.

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1 Cor 14 37-38

If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.

Enough said. Although many will confess/acknowledge with their mouths that Paul was an apostle, when obedience to his commandments are at issue, excuses are easily made.

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