Watchfoxes News Watchers

On this page I outline important news outlets to monitor and collect stories from as things unfold. Post these stories in the chat or you can email me. I also outline guidelines for what to watch and what is meaningful.

What is Important?

The following is a list of topics to be watching for, in no particular order:

  • Sunday law legislation, propaganda, culture shaping, discussion

  • Anti-Sabbath propaganda

  • Celebrity conversions to Catholicism, charismatic experiences, etc.

  • Union of religion and politics, introduction of religious laws, religion in schools or government, etc.

  • Charismatic/NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) infiltration of government, churches, policy

  • Charismatic experiences and events (mass baptisms, mass conversions)

  • Dialectics of problem, reaction, solution (dark to light, bread and circuses, culture shaping, etc.)

  • Middle East dialectics and delusions (3rd temple news, war, peace, visions, conversions, etc.)

  • Propaganda against the Jews, Jewish conversions, push for Jewish conversion, exposing of Zionism, collapse of dispensationalism

  • False signs and wonders, whether supernatural (visions in the sky) or technological (BlueBeam, AI) or political (Trump’s “assassination”)

  • Collapse of the Seventh Day Adventist denomination (ecumenism, liberalization, apostasy, etc.)

  • All matters pertaining to a no-buy-no-sell situation (AI, surveillance, smart cities, robots, global governance, digital IDs, policy, etc.)

Get a Foundation

There are many resources freely available to help edify you so that you have a solid foundation for watching these various markers. Below are important works to get yourself familiar with (140+ hours), all available in the Bible Studies section:

  • The End Times Series

  • The Great Delusion Series

  • Synagogue of Satan Series

  • Daniel & Revelation Walkthrough

  • The Sabbath Series

Notes on Video and/or Long Content

Time is limited and I do not have the ability to watch everything everyone sends me. Please do not send me hour+ podcasts to listen to or even 15 minute videos. Watching videos is a linear activity. If you have timestamps in a video for clips of 1-3 minutes then make note of them and send that information along with the video. For extra long written sources (books, essays, long articles, etc.) please be specific about what in this source is noteworthy or even highlight it before submitting it. You can print the source to a PDF and use a PDF highlighting tool.

News Sources

Below are sources for news to help you be a good Watchfox. To submit news resources to be added to this page as watch links, send them to me for review with your reasons.

Catholic News Sites

Novus Ordo Watch

This is a conservative sedevacantist news site great for monitoring Catholic revival and swing back to the right.

Vatican News

Various branches of the Vatican news each with their flavors to monitor ecumenism, policy, dialectics and general movements of the Beast.

LifeSite News

Mainstream conservative Catholic news agency, good for monitoring culture shaping and Catholic affairs.

Catholic News Agency

Large news agency that covers a variety of RCC related stories in politics and the world

National Catholic Register

Similar to Catholic News Agency above.

Complicit Clergy

Largely focused on Catholic abuse but may have important stories as things flip to the right.

European Sunday Alliance

Not a news agency but is actively working to bring Sunday laws to Europe, basically Project 2025 of Europe and should be monitored.

Zionist/Dispensationalist Sites

The Jerusalem Post

Good for perspectives on the Jews and the state of Israel.


Zionist/Dispensationalist news site to monitor dialectics in Israel.

End Time Headlines

Popular dispensationalist website, good to monitor how they are reacting to the psyops.

CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network)

Popular Christian Zionist site.


Generalized Christian news site for monitoring revivals, celebrity conversions, pop-Christian related stories.

General News Sites