I have known of Christ for years and lived a lukewarm life until about 6 months ago I had an awakening and fully gave myself to God. I have since been researching and seeking answers. I am in tears because to finally hear a sound and logically, correct understanding of the Bible in a world of confusion, is so refreshing and inspiring and satisfying. I LOVE this biblically accurate and intelligent explanation. It’s beautiful and brave. We cannot conform to the world, we cannot sugar coat everything and tickle ears. Truth is essential and this is the best thing I have read in 6 months apart from the Bible. I’m grateful to know there are faithful believers still seeking, understanding and spreading truth. Thank you for sharing this.
I know what you mean! Things are getting SO crazy that it seems there are 10 viewpoints on every topic -- and it gets exhausting, for me. To find the kind of content Tudor gives is beyond refreshing! I too applaud him not only for his hard work but his full-on boldness even though he knows ahead of time a vast number of listeners will be trolls and who knows what else!
I have been looking for some good explanations about what is going on with this whole pre-trib thing as well as the 1,000 year reign. Neither one of those concepts EVER sat right with me. I was looking, hard, for another viewpoint about 10 years ago and could find almost NOTHING. Funnily, this week I looked and found maybe a dozen. So glad to have found The Dance of Life...!
I have to admit I can still get confused about the wording of Isreal in the bible. An example is Roman's 11 vs 26. A friend keeps telling me that the bible says the jews will believe in Christ in the end. This is the only scripture I can find.
Romans 9:6 says that not all who are descended from Israel (physical) belong to Israel (spiritual). Therefore context determines the meaning of a word, and Paul uses Israel to mean either the physical nation of the Jews or the spiritual conglomerate which is the Church. Romans 11 is not about a future revival, like most people think, but rather a description of God's plan of election which includes the gentiles and the Jews. See #30 in my End Times series.
Also the term jew in the bible means different things correct? I will check out that series, thank u! I'm listening so many and learning alot, thank u!
I have known of Christ for years and lived a lukewarm life until about 6 months ago I had an awakening and fully gave myself to God. I have since been researching and seeking answers. I am in tears because to finally hear a sound and logically, correct understanding of the Bible in a world of confusion, is so refreshing and inspiring and satisfying. I LOVE this biblically accurate and intelligent explanation. It’s beautiful and brave. We cannot conform to the world, we cannot sugar coat everything and tickle ears. Truth is essential and this is the best thing I have read in 6 months apart from the Bible. I’m grateful to know there are faithful believers still seeking, understanding and spreading truth. Thank you for sharing this.
I know what you mean! Things are getting SO crazy that it seems there are 10 viewpoints on every topic -- and it gets exhausting, for me. To find the kind of content Tudor gives is beyond refreshing! I too applaud him not only for his hard work but his full-on boldness even though he knows ahead of time a vast number of listeners will be trolls and who knows what else!
I'm glad you enjoyed it Rachel, much to learn these days. May God continue to guide your efforts because there is deception on every side.
I have been looking for some good explanations about what is going on with this whole pre-trib thing as well as the 1,000 year reign. Neither one of those concepts EVER sat right with me. I was looking, hard, for another viewpoint about 10 years ago and could find almost NOTHING. Funnily, this week I looked and found maybe a dozen. So glad to have found The Dance of Life...!
I have to admit I can still get confused about the wording of Isreal in the bible. An example is Roman's 11 vs 26. A friend keeps telling me that the bible says the jews will believe in Christ in the end. This is the only scripture I can find.
Also romans 11 vs 25-32
Romans 9:6 says that not all who are descended from Israel (physical) belong to Israel (spiritual). Therefore context determines the meaning of a word, and Paul uses Israel to mean either the physical nation of the Jews or the spiritual conglomerate which is the Church. Romans 11 is not about a future revival, like most people think, but rather a description of God's plan of election which includes the gentiles and the Jews. See #30 in my End Times series.
Also the term jew in the bible means different things correct? I will check out that series, thank u! I'm listening so many and learning alot, thank u!
My documentary, “Why the Jews are Not God’s Chosen People” (in the Bible studies section) will answer your question about the term “Jew”